
1. The state or period to flourish and/or thrive.

Our mission


TBC is a multidisciplinary team of experienced professionals, with big hearts, devoted to helping families living with additional needs and providing support in the community. Our goal is to build a strong foundation for your child, working collaboratively with families/caregivers, therapists, psychologists, and outsource professionals to ensure your child has the most effective developmental learning journey. Our team values family involvement every step of the way, and will work as your number one advocates.

Specializing in providing services and support for families living with additional needs.


Our programs are built on evidence-based methods, combined with teaching through motivation and natural environment teaching to ensure that learning is both fun and effective.

ABA and IBI Therapy

Using research-based teaching methods and principles of ABA and IBI to build on your child’s skills and help them reach their full potential.

Social skills development

Focuses on skill generalizations and maintenance with ongoing progress evaluations. Fun, practical and interactive learning.

School readiness

Developing transition skills while building on your child’s prerequisite skills to encourage independence across all environments.

Parent coaching

A guided training model that aims to build on the parent-child relationship and maximize learning in the home.


Consultation services based on the assessment of your child, and suggested strategies based on your child’s needs.

For more information